Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You will hear this, and fall in love.

The Tallest Man On Earth is Kristian Matsson (born April 30th, 1983 in Dalarna, Sweden). He plays guitar, banjo and piano and has released two full length albums, the first entitled Shallow Grave and the second entitled The Wild Hunt. He has also released a self-titled 5-track EP on the Swedish label gravitation, as well as a second 5-track EP entitled Sometimes The Blues Is Just A Passing Bird, recently released on Dead Oceans.

Quite the busy man isn't he! And what? You're surprised he's done ALL that, and still managed to stay under your radar? Well that's why I'm here! :)

There is an instinctive rustic quality to the folk songs of The Tallest Man On Earth, think Bob Dylan, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver.

iTunes Link

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