Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Clare Bowditch!

Clare Bowditch & the New Slang - Modern Day Addiction (2010)
(click album to download)

01. The Start of War
02. Modern Day Addiction
03. Running
04. A Lucky Life
05. Prinz Willy
06. Your Own Kind of Girl
07. A E I O You
08. The Most Beautiful Lies
09. Break My Heart
10. Bigger Than the Money
11. A Little History (Homage To My Dad Two)
12. Stars

A songwriter from an early age, Clare Bowditch went public with her passions and talent in 1998, upon meeting John Hedigan, with whom she formed the band Red Raku, which released an EP. Upon that band's folding, she started the Feeding Set with collaborators Libby Chow and Warren Bloomer. Together, this act would release the albums Autumn Bone and What Was Left, the second of which was released on EMI. In 2007, Bowditch -- along with a slightly retooled Feeding Set -- released her third full-length, The Moon Looked On.

Clare Bowditch has covered a lot of ground since the fragile folk of Red Raku and her first solo album, 2004's Autumn Bone. She has become, in a sense, confrontational: Bowditch pushes back at the everyday perceptions we acquiesce to and the expectations that would limit her own artistic persona. She now writes social criticism, ranging through the suburbs of Melbourne to alight on privileged (Modern Day Addiction) or young women with a warped body image (Your Own Kind of Girl). She's perceptive instead of preachy and only resorts to polemic shorthand such as the "sell sell sell" refrain of Prinz Willy once she's sketched the situation. The arrangements have taken even greater strides, matching the confusion that undercuts these lives with cushioned beats, overlapping voices and insistent keyboard tones; Bowditch gets inside her charges' worlds with tunes that bear comparison to Fiona Apple. Her backing band, the Feeding Set, has doubled in size to become the New Slang and they're capable of new-wave pop (Bigger Than the Money)

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